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Choisir la bonne batterie n’a jamais été aussi simple

Editorial team|3 minutes

Nothing is as annoying as a tractor that will not start! Especially when you have just survived the cold winter months, you probably think that your tractor can handle everything. But you still need one. And this must be arranged quickly, because standing still is not an option.

Looking for the right battery
A wide range of batteries can be found in the Kramp webshop. Both from our Kramp brand, as well as other top brands such as Varta and Optima. But how do you select the right battery? To make this easier, search filters have been added to the webshop.

To use these easy filters, simply go to the battery overview on the webshop, for example, via the Tractor & Vehicle section on the red bar at the top.  

You will now see various filters along the left-hand side.  Using these, you can filter by: 

  • Brand 
  • Length (mm) 
  • Width (mm) 
  • Height (mm) 
  • Voltage (V) 
  • Capacity (Ah) 
  • Terminals type code
  • Terminal layout code
  • Mounting type code
  • Cold start current EN
  • Warranty period
Overzicht filters op de Kramp webshop

By selecting filters step by step, you can be absolutely certain that you're choosing the right battery. It’s that easy!

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