Choose a bristle brush to give a better finish

Editorial team|6 minutes to read

Why are we going to test this?
In metalworking, a steel wire brush is normally used to give a finishing touch. However, wire brushes only work well when new. If that is not the case, the brush could leave scratch marks in the metal, and if used on stainless steel it will likely cause rust spots to appear. Another downside is that threads are sharp and can cause painful stings when they eventually break off and shoot away. That is why a 3M Bristle brush is a much better solution. 3M Bristle brushes are made of plastic containing abrasive grains, which means, as these layers wear out, new abrasive grains are revealed, allowing you to use the brush all the way to the end. The brush allows you to work quickly and safely. Watch the video here to see a 3M bristle brush in action!

Choose a bristle brush to give a better finish

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