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Prevent damage to your hearing with the right hearing protection

Editorial team|6 minutes to read

Did you know that hearing damage has been one of the top three most common work-related injuries for years? Each day, around 10% of workers operate in an environment with harmful noise levels. Being able to hear is an important part of our daily lives, of course and hearing loss makes us vulnerable to many other risks. 

The effect of hearing damage caused by exposure to noise depends on a number of factors:
•          The noise level: the louder the noise, the greater the risk of hearing damage
•          Exposure time: how long you are exposed to a hazardous noise level
•          Medical conditions: do you have a history of ear infections, for example?

Usually, you must be exposed to loud noise over a long period of time before experiencing signs of permanent hearing damage. Sometimes, however, a short but powerful burst of noise is enough. For this reason, it is important to have control over your exposure to loud noise levels at all times.

It's very important to protect your ears! But what protection do you and your colleagues need at work? Our guide to hearing protection will help you decide. 

1. Do you need to communicate at a distance in a loud environment?

Choose a communications headset. This option provides hearing protection while ensuring that you can still communicate with other people. You can easily communicate with people around you, and also with colleagues out of hearing range.

Three reasons to choose a solution that allows you to communicate with others while protecting you from hearing damage:

1.       Increase productivity.

2.       Stay in contact with colleagues.

3.       Work safely.

View all communication headsets 

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2. Would you like to listen to the radio while you're working?

Have you ever thought about this option? Many employees find that listening to their favourite music helps them focus more on their work. So having your own hearing protection playing your choice of music isn't such a crazy idea. This option combines the right protection with entertainment and helps boost concentration.

View all hearing protection with radio

3. Do you need to hear the sounds around you (alarm signals, approaching vehicles) and communicate face to face in order to ensure your safety?

For many occupations, it is important to have the right hearing protection while also remaining aware of what is happening around you. This is an important factor when choosing your hearing protection. Below you'll find one of the popular products for those facing this situation: 

We also offer a wide range of products for passive hearing protection. Would you prefer earplugs, an ear mould or a headset

1.       Foam earplugs
For long wear periods in a warm and clean working environment.

  • Slow-expanding foam
  • Takes the shape of the ear canal
  • Maintenance-free and disposable
  • Small and easy to carry

2.       Earplugs with steel
Easy to insert and remove in 'dirty' working conditions.

  • Easy to insert
  • Hygienic steel design
  • One size suitable for most people

3.       Reusable earplugs
Reusable, hygienic and one size fits most.

  • One size suitable for most people
  • Hygienic steel design
  • Storage in box or on a cord
  • Easy to insert and remove in 'dirty' working conditions

4.       Headset
One size fits all, available in helmet, head and neck designs

  • Easy to wear correctly
  • Can be used with minor ear infections
  • In helmet, head and neck designs
  • Sound reduction works independent of person
  • Wide range of attenuation values

If you have any questions about choosing the right hearing protection, take a look at the webshop or contact us!

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