Should you choose a petrol lawn mower or opt for battery-powered?

Editorial team|4 minutes to read

Battery-powered lawn mowers have improved enormously in recent years. And if you want to save energy for economic reasons and reduce your impact on the environment, it makes sense to weigh up the pros and cons. But do petrol mowers still have the edge? Here, we look at the differences for you so that you can make the best choice.

Surface area
Do you need to mow a large area? Then a mower with a petrol engine is the smart choice. A petrol engine is powerful and the tank will hold more fuel than a battery can hold power. It’s also relatively easy to mow high grass. Corded lawnmowers require not just a power point or generator to plug into, but are generally inconvenient when mowing large areas. Battery-powered lawnmowers remove the inconvenience and safety hazard of a trailing power cord, but you can’t cover such a wide area without having to change or recharge your battery.

Ease of use
At first sight there doesn't seem to be a big difference between the petrol engine and the battery engine. Modern petrol lawn mowers, like those from Briggs & Stratton, for example, are equipped with an 'easy start'. No more difficult manual starting of the mower, but a simple push of a button.

Battery mowers are similarly easy to start and use. The major drawback comes with long and wet grass, where the drain on the battery is greater. Which means your battery runs out faster. This adds time and inconvenience to an already time-consuming task, because either you have to recharge the battery in between sessions, or you have to buy two or more batteries, and remember to keep them charged.

Grass treatment
Because a petrol engine has more power and can more easily handle damp or long grass, it’s wise to choose a mower with a mulching function. This way, you have the option of collecting grass for a tidy result, or leaving the mulched grass behind for natural fertilisation.

If you have a small garden and you maintain the grass regularly, a battery mower will do just fine. Mulching is less valuable in smaller areas, as the grass is easier to treat in other ways. But a battery mower does not usually have enough power to catch wet grass, which means that wet cut grass remains lying around and it’s harder to achieve a tidy result.

Final judgement: petrol engine vs battery engine
Although the battery mower is a beautiful and versatile mower if you have a small garden, we think the petrol mower is the clear winner of this comparison. A good petrol lawnmower gives you more power, endurance, flexibility and freedom. See here the ultimate mowing test for when you need some extra proof. 

the ultimate mowing test

Tip: Spare parts for branded lawnmowers are readily available, and petrol mowers are typically easy to maintain. With good care, your petrol mower should comfortably see you through the next ten years and beyond.

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