Battery Garden Tools Maintenance: Our Tips!

Editorial team|10 minutes to read

In the garden and park sector, having reliable and long-lasting battery-powered tools is essential for a smooth and efficient workflow. At Kramp, we understand the value of investing in high-quality electric and manual tools and ensuring their durability. 

We would like to provide you with some valuable tips that you can share with your customers to help them make the most of their battery-powered garden tools and ensure their tools have a long lifespan. These tips will not only increase customer satisfaction but also contribute to preserving the value of their investments.

1. The Proper Use of Battery Tools

Advise your customers to use their battery-powered tools for their intended purposes. Applying excessive force, twisting, or pressing can cause damage and shorten the tool's lifespan. Encourage them to always select the right tool for each specific task. This not only ensures safety but also extends the lifespan of the battery-powered tools.

2. Regular Maintenance is Key

It's essential to thoroughly clean battery-powered tools after each use, remove any sand or dirt from the tools if necessary, rinse them with water if needed, and always lubricate moving parts before and after use. Especially with hedge trimmers, the battery performance can be significantly affected if there is dirt in the cutting equipment. Additionally, the cooling air openings of the machines should be regularly cleaned with compressed air. 

It's also important to ensure that the cutting tools (blades, chains, and blades) of hedge trimmers, chainsaws, and brush cutters are always sharp. This not only promotes the battery's lifespan but also extends the machine's longevity. Additionally, using the correct lubricant for the chain in a battery-powered chainsaw is essential.

3. Correct storage  

Advise your customers to store their tools in a moisture-free and well-ventilated location, such as a workshop or shed. Metals are sensitive to moisture and can rust. To prevent this, your customers can apply a protective coating when the tools are not in use for an extended period. For example, they can use our Multispray Multispray to prevent rust formation. 

4. Battery Care 

For optimal battery performance, here are some key tips to keep in mind:

  • Allow a warm battery to cool down before charging (unless the charger has cooling)
  • Charge at room temperature between 10°C and 40°C
  • Remove the battery from the charger after charging to prevent overcharging
  • Use a protective cap or leave the battery in the machine to prevent short-circuiting

Advise a specialized approach for each battery type:

Battery TypeCharging TipsStorage During Inactivity
Ni-Cd and NiMH BatteriesRecharge only when noticeable power reductionCompletely discharge for inactivity of 6+ months
Lithium-ion BatteriesIntermittent charging is possiblePartially charged (about 80%) for inactivity of 6+ months

4.1. Maximizing Battery Life

To extend the lifespan of batteries, you can share the following tips with your customers:

  • Avoid overloading and damage: Let the machine work without excessive pressure and protect the battery from water and moisture, especially in wet weather.
  • Battery storage: Store the battery under the machine or place it on the charger when the machine is not in use to keep it fully charged.
  • Swap batteries: Regularly switch between batteries during work to prevent overheating and extend their lifespan.
  • Charge indoors: Charging the battery indoors at an appropriate temperature creates a controlled environment that benefits the battery. Recommend our battery storage cabinets for safely storing batteries in the workshop!
  • Use an inverter: Do not connect the charger to a step-up transformer, dynamo, or direct current source to avoid damaging it. If an inverter is available, you can use it as it corrects the waveform.
  • Battery disposal: When the batteries reach the end of their lifespan, treat them as hazardous waste or return them to the dealer. This ensures optimal battery performance, a longer lifespan, and environmentally conscious use.

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Any Questions? 

If you would like to learn more about maintaining battery-powered garden tools, please contact our product specialist or email us at Knowledge Center. Are you looking for products mentioned in this article but you don't have an account? Find a Kramp dealer near you.

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