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  • Support farmers during busiest period of the year

Support farmers during busiest period of the year

Support farmers during busiest period of the year

With the grass harvest imminent May is one of the busiest periods of the year. Now, more than ever, your customers need fast access to the right animal husbandry products. With our assistance you can provide this support to your customers.

As the weather warms up it is important for farmers to protect their cows against insects. It is also the time of year when farmers identify which cows will not be going back to the bull for spring calving. Products suggestions for this period include:

With us as your partner you can assure your customers have direct availability in your shop, or next day delivery when ordered through the online service. This gives you a unique opportunity to expand into this interesting market and diversify your revenue stream all year around.

Looking for product ideas for other periods or to include in your assortment the whole year round? Visit our special animal husbandry page.